When Someone You Love Has Cancer by Cecil Murphey

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Great American Smokeout

Today is the Great American Smokeout! This is the day that smokers are encouraged to quit smoking just for one day. I could be the start of a new life for you.

I come from a house of smokers. My mom, dad, sister and two brothers all smoked from the time they were teens. And except for one brother, they all quit, some more permanently than others, nevertheless they were able to stop smoking at least for a period of time.

I have to say I am very proud of the victories my family has had over cigarettes. They all quit cold-turkey, mostly because there were not as many aids or support systems in place when they quit as there are today.
After Dad died, we found a small black notebook in he used as a day-planner. In it we noticed a number printed in red at the top of each page. We could not figure out what it was until finally we came across a page that mentioned a number that corresponded with the number in red. It was the number of days he’d been without a cigarette. He never told anyone, just went about the business of quitting.

Dad made this decision after he’d recovered from having a mass removed from his throat. The doctor had been sure it was cancer, but it turned out to be benign. We were all so relieved. Dad had said before the surgery “If it’s cancer, I’m not gonna keep on smoking because it won't matter anyway. If it’s not cancer, than I’m gonna quit”. So, without making any big deal about it, Dad kept the promise he’d made to himself and quit smoking.

I wish I could end this story more cheerfully. Dad did enjoy many more smoke-free years, at least 20. But in 2003 another mass was found in his esophagus. This cancer was much larger and found much later. It was so large anything Dad ate had to fit through the size of a small soda straw, mostly soups and other liquids. It was painful and frustrating. No one would choose to die this way. Did it begin years ago when Dad was still smoking? We'll never know for sure. But I am sure that quitting gave him many years of easier breathing and better health than he would've had if he'd kept smoking. And it gave us many more years to enjoy him, too.

So if you are a smoker, how about giving it a try? You know, just take the day off from smoking. It’ll be a gift to those who love you, but most of all, it will be your gift to yourself.

If you’re not a smoker, why not pledge to help someone quit? It’s a long, hard road and your support could be the thing that gives someone the courage to go one more day with out that smoke.

For more information and help about quitting, visit http://www.cancer.org/Healthy/StayAwayfromTobacco/GreatAmericanSmokeout/index

Hope you give quitting a try today. Praying you make it last forever.

Monday, November 8, 2010

10 Ways Not to Encourage Cancer Patients

Our guest blogger today is Yvonne Ortega. Yvonne shares some great reminders for friends and loved ones with a touch of humor any cancer survivor can identify with and appreciate. Thanks so much Yvonne!

10 Ways Not to Encourage Cancer Patients

Point out they shouldn’t be scared, angry or depressed, because they are Christians and that would ruin their testimony.

Suggest they have cancer because of the stress in their lives. You may not be a doctor, but you just know.

Remind them that lack of forgiveness causes cancer, and they need to forgive somebody.

Explain they probably got cancer because they didn’t eat right, and from now on they need to take responsibility for what they eat.

Make sure you tell them about your aunt, cousin, grandma, friend or neighbor who had cancer and died.

Mention the horror stories you’ve heard about chemotherapy.

Don’t forget to inform them about the friend you know whose skin burned because of radiation.

Visit them as soon as they return from the hospital and keep talking to them even when their eyes are at half-mast.

Tell them to call you if they need anything. They probably won’t call you, but you’re off the hook, like your telephone.

Insist that they must be strong because it could be worse.

Copyright © October 28, 2010 by Yvonne Ortega
Breast cancer affects everyone it touches, whether firsthand or through the life of a loved one. Counselor and teacher Yvonne Ortega discovered this when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and began her journey. In Finding Hope for Your Journey through Breast Cancer, she shares with readers her personal triumphs and setbacks with humor and refreshing candor, always reminding us of God's desire to meet us exactly where we are. In this repackaged book, sixty devotions are divided into sections--diagnosis, surgery, treatment, and recovery--each incorporating Scripture into daily life. It also includes a new chapter on living with the possibility that cancer may return. Ortega's attention to even the most basic hopes and fears that a cancer patient faces each day offers encouragement that can come only from one who has been there herself.