At a recent trip to my wonderful doctor (who is just about my age 59) I mentioned that I'd been having some trouble swallowing and frequent heartburn and indigestion. I also shared that my father had died of esophagus cancer in 2004 and I was concerned that I might be at risk for that particular cancer. I asked about an exam I had read about to scope out the condition of my esophagus.
To my surprise, Dr. A told me he had some of the same symptoms I was describing and in addition to taking a look at my esophagus, he thought it would be good to take a look at the colon as well. Turns out, that he just recently gone in for same test and had a colonoscopy, too, "As long as you're "out" anyway."
(Incidentally, Dr A also mentioned that was one test he'd been avoiding, too, but was glad he'd finally gotten it done).
So, my doctor called and my appointment is for March 9, @ 1:45 PM.
How about making a call and get your own appointment scheduled today?
Scared of the unknown? Here's just one of the informative articles you can find about the procedure if you "Google" " colonoscopy". http://www.health.com/health/library/topic/0,,hw209694_hw209697,00.html
It's even possible to find video of the exam on YouTube (not to mention lots of humor from a variety of comedians about it).
Still in doubt? Here's more information from the ACS.
A timely article from the American Cancer Society.
This March, the American Cancer Society is encouraging men and women 50 and older to make getting tested for colorectal cancer a priority. See our discussion of this topic from the ACS or visit the link below
So don't delay, you may wind up saving your own life.
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