"For each life is a book, not to be read, but rather a story to be written. The Author starts each life story, but each life will write his or her own ending," Max Lucado.
Do you have a story to share? Most of us do and most of us need a little help to get started. If telling your story is a dream of yours, then read on, my friend.
If you’re looking for insight into the publishing industry, have questions about getting published or marketing your finished work, or just need some plain old-fashioned encouragement on your writing journey, QCCWC is the conference for you.
From all over the country authors and participants gather to share ideas, to spend time together finding and giving help and encouragement in a conference unique because of its heart.
Over and over again we've received feedback from people sharing comments like:
"There's a different Spirit at this conference".
"I didn't know the authors and teachers would be so accessible."
"I can't wait to try out what I've learned."
"Thank you for such a wonderful conference!"
We hope you'll take time to come and see for yourself the difference two short days can make in your writing and in your life.
From the website:
"The Quad-Cities Christian Writers' Conference is pleased to announce that some of the best writing instructors in the nation will join us in 2010 for two full days of breakout sessions, continuing sessions, keynote talks, one-on-one appointments, and inspiration.
In order to make an impact with your writing, it's important to LEARN THE CRAFT. That's what the Quad-Cities Christian Writers' Conference is all about. You won't find publishers, agents, and editors in attendance, but you will experience the care and coaching of a professional, knowledgeable staff. Our faculty will answer your questions, guide you, teach you, and show you how you can use your writing to change the world one word at a time."
Join us April 9-10 in Eldridge, Iowa.
It could be your first step toward the thrill of seeing your work in print.
For more information or to register go to http://www.qccwc.com/
I'll be looking for you!
Check out the special early-bird rate for registrations postmarked or electronically submitted on or before Saturday, February 20! $$ off and a free book as well!
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